I've moved to a new blog location, and I hope you'll check it out (and follow me)!
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Rev. Jeri
Friday, November 19, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Who gets married on Election Day?
If you're Roman and Misty Dawn, and November 2nd is the anniversary of the day you became a couple, then selecting Election Day -- Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2010 -- as your wedding date won by unanimous decision!
I had the privilege of performing their wedding ceremony this afternoon at beautiful William Land Park in Sacramento. Misty Dawn's youngest daughter, Samantha, was the delightful flower girl, while her oldest daughter, Angie, stood up for her as one of the bridesmaids. Sons David and Joseph joined their siblings in saying "We do" during the family vows, during which they were asked if they would do their best to respect and encourage their mother and Roman as parents.
Friends and family gave their vote of confidence as well, saying they would happily support the important institution of marriage and, more specifically, the happiness of Roman and Misty Dawn through the highs and lows of their life together.
Congratulations, Roman and Misty Dawn! You are definitely winners on the "ballot of love"!
Rev. Jeri
Monday, August 30, 2010
Karmère Winery - Un bel établissement vinicole
There are many beautiful wineries in the Sierra Foothills, and many of them are also wedding venues.
Yesterday I visited the beautiful Karmère Vineyards and Winery at 11970 Shenandoah Road in Plymouth, California.
Situated on a knoll overlooking the vineyards, Karmère is evocative of a French chateau, open and airy, with attentive staff and award-winning reds, blends and sparkling wines. (The Raspberry Sparkling Wine was my favorite; my wine-tasting companion loved the almond-flavored variety.)
Karmère is owned by Marilyn Hoopes and Todd Pickens, with the tasting room managed by their daughter, Hayley Hoopes. The name “Karmère” (Car-Mare) honors Marilyn’s mother, Karma Hoopes -- mère is the French word for mother – whose “spirit lives in all we do at Karmère.”
The beautifully landscaped terrace gardens and pavilion, with breathtaking views of the vineyards and winery, can accommodate up to 125 guests.
For further information, contact Hayley at (209) 245-5000 or information@karmere.com
Or, better yet, go visit the winery, which is open from 11:00 until 5:00 Wednesday through Monday, holidays, and by appointment all year. Situated in the Shenandoah Valley, it's a short drive from Sacramento.
(Oh … and if you happen to see the winemaker, Dawn Martella, please tell her I said hello! She and her delightful husband, Dick, were married by me in May of 2003!!)
Saturday, August 28, 2010
In 50 years ....
"In 50 years, as they celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary ...."
I write personalized wedding ceremonies, with a lot of input from the couples. One of the questions I ask them is: "When you reach your Golden Wedding Anniversary (50 years), what do you want to look back on and celebrate?" (Naturally, if the couple is older -- like ME! -- I would ask about their Silver (25 years) Wedding Anniversary.)
I ask this question for many reasons.
First, and this is most important to me, I am planting a seed or "affirming" that they will still be married and celebrating in 50 years. I want the couple to think about their long, happy and durable marriage, not *just* the celebration of their wedding day.
This also tells the guests that the newlyweds plan to be married for many, many years. Hopefully, if the marriage goes through tough times the guests will remind the couple of their commitment to celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary together.
And, on a practical note, I need a way to "end" the Love Story portion of the ceremony. So I talk about what the couple will look back on, and finish the section with "And they will look forward to many more years together as a happily married couple." Again, planting a seed / affirming their longevity in marriage!
Today, August 28, 2010, Levi and Emily got married at the beautiful Catta Verdera Country Club in Lincoln, CA.
And on August 28, 2060, "as they celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary, Levi and Emily expect to look at their close-knit family with pride, knowing their children and grandchildren were raised with love, laughter and strong values and have grown to be happy and responsible adults. ... They hope to be an example of a thriving partnership, marked with respect, kindness and growth, individually and as a couple...."
Emily and Levi already have a blueprint for their long-lasting marriage. Both were raised with the example of longevity, as their parents have all been married for more than 30 years. We acknowledged this accomplishment during the ceremony, publicly thanking Paula and Bill, and Jan and Mark, for their wonderful example. Their tearful smiles clearly said, "It has been worth it!"
Levi and Emily "will continue to be best friends, still deeply in love and inspiring each other. And they will look forward to many more years together as a happily married couple."
Congratulations to the newlyweds! While I doubt that I'll still be around for Levi and Emily's 50-year renewal of vows, I am confident they will celebrate! Probably with many of those who celebrated with them this evening as they began their journey as husband and wife!
So, on your Golden Wedding Anniversary, what do YOU want to look back on and celebrate?
Rev. Jeri
Friday, August 20, 2010
Love is such a big word ....

I'm in the business of Love.
As a Wedding Officiant, I have the honor of speaking the words that publicly acknowledge the love and commitment between two people.
As a Funeral Officiant (or "minister who presides over a celebration of life"), I have the honor of speaking on behalf of those who love the deceased, offering some comfort and inspiring hope.
As a spiritual teacher, I have the honor of connecting with people -- friends, family and, sometimes, near-strangers -- to remind them that they are spirits in bodies, loved and lovable.
As for myself ... well, lately I have been dong a lot of reading to remind myself of why I'm here. And it all comes back to one concept: LOVE.
Many years ago I realized that one of the main purposes of life -- for me, at least -- is to learn about love, how to truly love myself, and how to fully and unconditionally love someone else. (Of course, I had already experienced the unconditional love that a mother has for her children. And I knew there was more to it than that.)
Meeting Rich, my Anam Cara, was an important step on my path. Loving him, passionately, in good times and in challenges, was a HUGE opportunity for growth in my life. Even in the "bad times," I knew that how I "showed up" in our relationship was a hugely important step on my life path. And I made a conscious decision to show up and work through the times that were uncomfortable to me, because I knew our love was worth it, and because I knew it was something I had "come here to experience."
"Losing" Rich was another huge step, as I came to know, deep in my soul -- not just believe but KNOW -- that his love for me, and my love for him, goes on even though he no longer has a physical body.
Of course, what my soul knows and what my body experiences are not always exactly aligned. So I've turned to my own spiritual tools: Meditation, journaling, seeking out the counsel of my very wise friends, and reading. In this process, I have "remembered" many of my own spiritual truths; concepts that the Core of my Being has always known.
And ... I have been reminded that I am a spiritual teacher, and that it is good for me to share my thoughts with others. NOT that I have the definitive truth; however, maybe as I share my thoughts I will inspire, comfort and lift up someone. What more could I ask?
I write all this as a warning, of sorts, to the handful of people who read my blog posts. Periodically -- not all the time, but periodically -- I am going to write about those things that are deeply dear to my heart. Sometimes it may seem a little "raw." I won't apologize; it's where and who I am.
If the sharing of my thoughts helps or comforts someone, or causes them to search their own hearts and souls for their own truths, then I will feel as though I'm doing what I'm meant to do.
I will finish, tonight, with two thoughts.
As Kobi Yamada says, "Love is such a big word, it really should have more letters."
And in the immortal words of John and Paul, "All you need is love."
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Murphy Windmill or Bust!

Sometimes, the journey is more interesting than the destination!
Katie and I spent the day at Golden Gate Park yesterday. Our primary objective was to visit the de Young Museum to see the “Birth of Impressionism” exhibit, on loan from the Musee d’Orsay in Paris. I have twice visited d’Orsay, which is one of my favorite art museums, and I was eager to see these masterpieces again, and share the experience with my good friend. I was not disappointed. (If you have the opportunity to do so, go! Don’t delay; the exhibit ends September 6, 2010.)
I visit Golden Gate park periodically, most especially enjoying the museums around the Music Concourse. However, I had never explored the rest of the park, and I was especially eager to see the windmills at the west end of the park. We both have a sense of adventure and the day was cool but pleasant, so armed with map, camera and Katie’s iPhone GPS system, we decided to find the windmills.
We wandered through the Botanical Gardens first. Katie is a floral artist, and she easily identified the plants and flowers while I happily took photos of things I found pretty and/or interesting. (And in a future visit, I will plan to spend a lot more time in the gardens. But today, I was focused on seeing one of the windmills.)
It was a lovely walk; we talked about life, love, our children, some of our travel dreams, TV programs that make us laugh, and many other things. We periodically stopped to rest our feet and check our map. We didn’t always take the paved path; the “higher ground” was sometimes a dirt path, and we had to be mindful of potential “natural disasters” -- gopher holes and uneven terrain.
The paved path provided its own challenges: Bicyclists zipped by without warning, startling me as they came within inches of us. (The “ring-ring” of a bicycle bell would certainly have been appreciated.) Joggers tended to be more courteous, and usually said “Thank you” as we moved over to give them space. And, of course, Katie and I watched out for each other, as friends do.
Finally, we neared our destination. We knew we were close because we could see the ocean, and the map showed us that Murphy Windmill was just around the corner. I was eager to see a real windmill -- up close and not just from the window of a train in Holland.
We rounded the bend …
And found the scaffolding, barrier fencing, and the Public Works sign that said that the windmill was being renovated. If I hadn’t seen the picture on the sign, I would not have been able to identify this structure as a windmill.
Was I disappointed? Yes. Was I amused? Well, yes, that too. It was, after all, an adventure. And while I didn’t see exactly what I had expected, I got to experience many other things that made the journey worthwhile: Friendship and laughter, a long walk that made my grateful for healthy legs (and decent walking shoes), the opportunity to take pictures of many pretty flowers and a hawk resting in a tree, the fresh scent of eucalyptus trees, and the sense of adventure that comes from exploring someplace new.
And a reminder that while sometimes my path doesn’t take me where I think it should, if I appreciate and enjoy the journey, I will be blessed in many ways.
(PS: Next time, we’re going to look for the other windmill in the park. And we’ve already decided: We’ll DRIVE to it!)
de Young Museum,
Golden Gate Park,
Katie Edwards
Sunday, August 8, 2010
In sickness and in health ... and no more Life Flight!

Tom and Michelle met many years ago, when they were co-workers. Tom says he noticed this very pretty blond girl with a killer figure, who happened to be wearing Gilligan shoes and had holes in the knees of her jeans! Michelle says she appreciated Tom's happy-go-lucky attitude. And their first sushi date led to many others, as well as love, laughter and a realization they were soul mates!
So last year Tom took Michelle to dinner at their favorite sushi restaurant (Satori), where he ordered their favorite dish to share: Sashimi Mix. When the waiter set the plate down in front of Michelle, she pushed it over toward Tom but he pushed it back, insisting that she have the first bite. It was then that she noticed something sparkling in the wasabi, and just as she realized it was a diamond ring, Tom told her of his great love for her, and asked her to become his wife. Of course Michelle said "Yes!"
Being the unique individuals that they are, as they were helping create their wedding ceremony Tom and Michelle each chose to repeat different vows to each other. Tom's vows included these words: "... I promise ... to be available for you when you are in pain ... and ... to support and nurture you ...." Little did he realize that he would be asked to fulfill these vows in a very dramatic way PRIOR to their wedding day.
One of the activities Tom and Michelle enjoy doing together is riding quads. That's what they were doing on April 1st when Michelle crashed her quad into a tree, resulting in a Life Flight trip, ICU and a week's stay on the trauma floor with injuries to her liver and lung, a broken hip bone, several broken ribs and fractured vertebra.
Fortunately, she has recovered very well, and her sense of humor remains intact. (As she said, "... 'in sickness and in health' has taken on real meaning." And in her promises she did state that she would "do [her] best not to hit any more trees or take any more helicopter rides, unless the ride is purely recreational.")
Tom and Michelle spoke these vows yesterday, before family and many delighted friends, at the lovely Berghold Estate Winery in Lodi. Because Tom's two teen-aged daughters, Sarah and Haley, are an important part of their relationship, Tom and Michelle included some special elements in their ceremony: Family vows, a family sand blending ritual, and a special gift -- engraved necklaces -- given as a surprise to Sarah and Haley.
There was lots of love, plenty of laughter, and a few tears -- of joy -- as Tom and Michelle began their journey as husband and wife. I'm so proud to have been a part of their special day!
Congratulations and best wishes to this delightful family! (And Michelle? Please keep your promise!!)
Rev. Jeri
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
A special thank you ...
Sometimes I get the nicest surprises in my email inbox:
Hello Reverend Jeri,
I am Rachael's father and I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful wedding ceremony you conducted. I didn't have the chance on the day of the wedding to thank you as they swooshed us off to take pictures and by the time that was done you had already left, no doubt to cool down!
Your ceremony was unique and touched my wife and myself as to how important and sacred the wedding vows are.
Thank you again for your efforts,
Thank you for taking the time to write, Don. It was my delight and honor to perform Rachael and Christopher's ceremony!
Rev. Jeri
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Just Married!

"The love story of Jeff and Jessica began almost three years ago, on a blind date coordinated by Jessica’s friend, Melissa. It was a group excursion to the California State Fair, and they obviously hit it off well because Jeff talked the whole time – which is very unusual for him!"
And thus began the first chapter of Jeff and Jessica's life together.
Yesterday, they exchanged their vows at Berghold Estate Winery in Lodi and later, by the light of the full moon, celebrated their marriage with family and dear friends.
Capturing their joy were Jim and David, videographers with Sheffield Multimedia. Floral beauty was provided by Cheryl Sage of Accents by Sage Floral Design. Wow! Who knew teal and orange was so Beautiful together!
And Julia, coordinator at Berghold, made sure every detail was attended to.
Congratulations, Jessica and Jeff! May you enjoy many, many years of love and happiness!
Rev. Jeri
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Gold WeddingWire Rating - 2010

Rev. Jeri Murphy is now WeddingWire Rated for 2010
Sacramento, CA) – (July 7, 2010) - WeddingWire, the nation's leading site for wedding reviews, just announced that Rev. Jeri Murphy is WeddingWire Rated 2010 for Wedding Officiant. WeddingWire Rated is an annual award program for wedding professionals based on hundreds of thousands of recent wedding reviews.
WeddingWire Rated, the industry's first formalized review program, is the most recognized and trusted brand among engaged couples looking to locate wedding businesses. The award program recognizes wedding professionals across the country, like Rev. Jeri Murphy, who have demonstrated an exceptional commitment to service.
Rev. Jeri Murphy has 26 reviews on WeddingWire. These reviews have been written by past clients of Rev. Jeri, and include detailed ratings and insightful descriptions of the newlyweds' experience. From quality of service to overall level of professionalism, these reviews showcase the high level of service newly engaged couples can expect from Rev. Jeri.
"We are excited to unveil WeddingWire Rated, now in its fourth year, as a way to recognize wedding professionals for their commitment to service," said Timothy Chi, WeddingWire's CEO. "WeddingWire Rated allows wedding businesses to clearly differentiate themselves in their market, while providing engaged couples an easy way to find the best services for their wedding."
Rev. Jeri would like to thank her past clients for sharing reviews of their weddings on WeddingWire. Reviews for Rev. Jeri Murphy can be found across the entire WeddingWire Network, which includes WeddingWire, Martha Stewart Weddings, Project Wedding and Weddingbee.
For more information, please visit Rev. Jeri Murphy on WeddingWire at Rev. Jeri Murphy’s Storefront.
About WeddingWire, Inc.
WeddingWire, the nation's leading technology company serving the $70 billion wedding industry, is the only online wedding planning resource designed to empower both engaged couples and wedding professionals. For engaged couples, WeddingWire offers the ability to search, compare and book over 100,000 local wedding vendors, from wedding venues to wedding photographers to wedding cakes. WeddingWire also offers an online community and a suite of cutting-edge planning tools for weddings, including wedding websites, all at no charge. For wedding professionals, WeddingWire provides free online management tools creating the only market opportunity that gives local businesses control over their clients, reviews, leads and performance. Businesses that join the WeddingWire Network appear on WeddingWire.com and other leading sites, including MarthaStewartWeddings.com, ProjectWedding.com and Weddingbee.com (both part of eHarmony), and Celebrations.com (part of the 1-800-Flowers family of brands).
(Photo by True Love Photo)
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Une célébration merveilleuse!

(That's French for "A wonderful celebration!")
While working toward a degree in French, Katie spent a year studying in the south of France. She says, "This was a big adventure for me, and taught me so much about myself." During every school break, she explored France as well as many neighboring countries, and her wanderlust took root.
When she and Brandon met, they discovered their shared love of travel was only one of many common interests, including backpacking, home improvement projects, fine dining, and wine tasting. Over time, they became best friends and life partners, which led -- naturally -- to their wedding celebration on July 3rd!
Choosing their wedding venue was easy; both love rich, fruity red wines and they fell in love with Avio Winery in Sutter Creek, not only for the wine but also for the beautiful and intimate setting for their ceremony.
Working closely with their fabulous wedding planner, Shelley Larkin of Pizzazz! Event Planning, Brandon and Katie transformed the courtyard at Avio to represent "the South of France" -- allowing them to celebrate with family and dear friends without the jet lag of international flight!
Their ceremony included a non-traditional wedding party: Katie's brother, Jon, was one of her attendants, calling himself the "Bride Squire," and Brandon's sister, Kiersten, brought an extra touch of beauty as one of the groom's attendants.
Katie and Brandon surprised their mothers with a special presentation of roses ... they held back tears as they listened to the hands blessing ("These are the hands that, even when wrinkled and aged, will still be reaching for yours; still giving you that same unspoken tenderness with just a touch") ... and they sipped both a dry and a sweet wine, symbolizing their commitment to share both challenges and happiness in marriage.
All in all, it was "une célébration merveilleuse!" Congratulations, Katie and Brandon!
Avec l'amour et les bons souhaits!
Rev. Jeri
Friday, June 25, 2010
A "Must-Read" for Any Emotional Bride
A few years ago, while planning her wedding, one of my colleagues told me of a great resource she found. No, it wasn’t about table décor, or finding the perfect dress, or creating a signature drink for the reception.
It was about the crazy and stressful array of emotions she was feeling – and finding out that her confusion, anxiety and “negative” feelings were all normal.
Sheryl Nissinen wrote “The Conscious Bride” after polling brides of all ages and finding that, like her, their journey down the aisle – and the months before and after – was filled with much more than joy, excitement and everlasting love.
“There are few occasions in life more beautiful and awe-inspiring than a wedding. When two people decide to solidify their commitment, they begin the sacred journey of marriage, which begins with the engagement and continues through the rest of their lives.
. . .
“For some, their engagement is a joyous time filled with planning and animated discussion about their wedding day and future life together. For most, however, the engagement is a combination of excitement, stress, bliss and confusion.
“The road that leads to and from the wedding day is not always smooth. … the engagement, wedding, and first months of marriage can be a difficult time where one person in the partnership [usually the bride] feels overwhelmed by emotions and forces that she has never experienced and does not understand.
Through reading this book you will explore the reasons behind the common tendency for women to ‘freak out’ at some point during their engagement, wedding, and/or first year of marriage. ….”
I would highly recommend this book to any bride, whether she’s newly-engaged, recently-married, or approaching her first wedding anniversary. (And grooms, you might want to read it too; you may be able to understand your beloved’s behavior a little better.)
PS: You can find this book at the library; I did!
Sheryl Nissinen,
The Conscious Bride
Sunday, June 6, 2010

"A soulmate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks ... Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life." (Excerpted from "The Bridge Across Forever" by Richard Bach)
Chris and Kellie met three years ago, when they were introduced by a mutual friend. There was an immediate spark of attraction, as they found they share many interests, values and goals. Both are friendly, fun and witty; they enjoy going to movies, plays and concerts, playing softball or Scrabble, and traveling. Although they tend to be homebodies, they enjoy spending time with friends, and both place a high priority on family.
So yesterday afternoon their dear friends and family gathered to witness their wedding ceremony, held at a private residence situated on the banks of the Truckee River. Chris and Kellie honored their parents by presenting roses to their mothers. Chris's sister, Katy, presented a reading from "The Bridge Across Forever," and Kellie's brother, Shawn, read the Irish Wedding Blessing.
Family and friends enthusiastically promised to support the happiness and success of Chris and Kellie's union, through the highs and lows of their life together.
And since the candles would not stay lit during the Unity Candle Lighting, we acknowledged Mother Nature's playfulness and used our imagination to pretend that the candles were glowing. Of course, the inner light of Chris and Kellie's love was clearly aflame!
The wind also challenged their DJ, Matthew Strong, by blowing over the wireless amps. However, Matt and his team quickly and smoothly resolved the problem; they are true professionals. And rumor has it that the river-side party continued well into the night!
Congratulations, Chris and Kellie! Enjoy your fabulous Hawaiian honeymoon, and thank you for letting me be a part of your wonderful wedding celebration!
Rev. Jeri
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Glitz and Glamour!

"In 1893, George Washington Scribner, being lured into farming by the rich, deep soils of the Sacramento River Delta, settled along what is now called Scribner Bend. The river bend became a vital shipping point, picking up produce, mail and passengers by steam boat.
"The Scribner family ranch runs along the Sacramento Delta where the family has farmed for over 100 years. Their most recent addition is their Scribner Bend Vineyards.
"The original barn built in 1918 was featured in Sunset Magazine’s March issue “Winter Roaming along the Sacramento River” in 2002. Today the barn has been completely renovated and transformed into a unique tasting experience that includes the new Tuscan indoor venue room, tasting room and event for weddings, picnics, birthdays, reunions and more."
I have had the pleasure of performing many wedding ceremonies at Scribner Bend, most recently last Friday (May 7th). The weather was warm, the breeze was minimal, the ambiance was welcoming, and the ceremony was personalized and perfect for Alex and Laura.
On Sunday, May 23rd, from noon to 5:00 p.m., Scribner Bend Vineyards will be showcasing some of the finest wedding professionals in the Sacramento area. I'll be there, and I hope you'll come visit this beautiful wedding venue, enjoy some wonderful wine or champagne, and meet some of the best people in the wedding business!
PS: Tickets are $15 at the door. However, the first five brides who contact me can get in for free as my guest!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Love Cannot Be Hidden
I am reading a little book called "Let Nothing Disturb You." It's a 30-day meditation book based on the works of Teresa of Avila.
Today's meditation is this:
My Day Begins:
The soul that truly loves God
loves all good,
protects all good,
praises all good,
joins itself to good people,
helps and defends them,
and embraces all the virtues.
It loves only what is truly worth loving.
Do you think that it is possible
for anyone who truly loves God,
to care for vanities, riches,
or worldly pleasures and honors?
Such a person cannot quarrel or feel envy,
for she aims at nothing
but pleasing the object of her love.
Whether your love of God is great or small,
it must show itself.
Love for God can never be concealed.
When you love God deeply,
it will be plainly evident in many ways,
for a large fire throws a bright and clear flame.
A love that is strong and just,
that grows for as long as we live,
that there is no reason ever to end,
a love that is returned so fully --
can a love such as this be concealed?
If you ask me how such a love is to be attained,
my answer is:
Resolve firmly to do and suffer for God,
putting your resolution into action
whenever the opportunity occurs.
Your love must not be just something you imagine,
something you desire.
You must prove it by works.
I think this is beautiful, and I would like to modify it a bit, either to include in the "Marriage Address" portion of a wedding ceremony, and/or to offer as a vow that might be included in personal vows.
Is it appropriate for a wedding ceremony? I would love your thoughts and comments.
Rev. Jeri
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Advice from the experts ... married couples!
Recently I posted a question on my Facebook Fan Page: "What is the best love / romance advice you have for newlyweds?"
The respondents varied from a soon-to-be-wed bride (May 2010) to a woman who will be celebrating 55 years of marriage in December! (What an inspiration you are, Nancy!)
Here are some of the responses:
From Nancy G., who has been married for 30 years: Choose your battles, don't dwell on the small stuff, it's not worth it.
From Patty G.: Never go to bed mad or without resolving an argument! ... Happily married for 7 years...together for almost 12!
Carrie P., who will marry Paul on May 29th, says: The most important thing to remember is respect. As long as you respect your partner, and they respect you, everything else will fall in place.
From Kathy H. a newlywed of one year: Never take one another for granted ~ appreciate the little things ~ hold hands ~ put a little love note where it will be found when you are not around.
David B. has this sage advice: Don't EVER say that whatever your spouse does to irritate you, that they remind them of one of their parents .....example: "You act like your Father/Mother!" :(
That's like dropping cluster bombs!!!!!!
And Nancy F., married since December of 1955, says: You must nourish a marriage--it cannot survive without respect, faith, trust , and humor -- a couple may become a family-but they need to always remember they were the original spark-and need to retain their own relationship , as their lives change throughout the years.
Excellent advice, from the experts.
So, what's YOUR best advice on love and romance? I'd love to hear from you!
Rev. Jeri
Thursday, April 29, 2010
I belong to the Sacramento Chapter of a wonderful organization called NACE (National Association of Catering Executives).
What is "NACE," and why would an officiant belong to a catering association, you ask?
I think NACE's Mission Statement says it best: "To provide catering and event professionals superior education, networking & resources to enhance career success and deliver excellence to clients!" And the Sacramento NACE Chapter is composed of professionals in the wedding industry. The best of the best. My favorite people to work with and, once a month, to wine and dine with!
Each monthly meeting features the talents of local wedding professionals: Creative invitations, a wonderful meal in a beautiful location, stunning floral decor, fantastic lighting, photographers and videographers subtly capturing the moments, music to set the tone, and DJ/MC's to keep us entertained.
And, of course, good conversation and an opportunity to get to better know my wedding friends: Their families, their interests, their inspiration, their fun!
Tuesday's NACE meeting was held in the Timbercreek Ballroom at Sun City Roseville
The highlight of the evening was the Second Annual Tabletop Competition, wherein some very talented NACE members create imaginative tabletops which include unique centerpieces, place cards and menus, beautiful linens and tableware, et cetera, to show off their creative flair.
The tables are judged on their creativity, uniqueness and functionality. Outside judges -- NACE members from other chapters; other special invited guests -- as well as the local membership, vote for their favorite. This year's first place winner, Catriona Arcularius of Arcularius Events won for the second year in a row! (My photo doesn't do her table justice; check out the Sacramento NACE website for great photos by Andrea's Images Photography and Siegel's Portrait Design.)
Providing the musical ambiance, and maintaining the flow of activities, were DJs and Entertainment Coordinators Randy and Dina Gonzales of Supernatural Soundz. This husband-and-wife team has been in the wedding and event entertainment business for over 15 years. Although I have worked with them in the past -- and we'll be together again for Natalie and Chris's wedding in June! -- I got to know them a little better when I sat with them at the NACE dinner in March. They are not only excellent in their profession, they are also wonderful, sincere, caring people personally.
At Tuesday's meeting, Randy and Dina impressed me with their quiet manner of keeping the events flowing without being intrusive. I know they can ROCK THE JOINT at other events, but for the NACE meeting it was more appropriate to keep us informed about "what's going to happen next," play great music, and add a little humor and personality to the program without "taking over." It wasn't "all about them," and therefore it was "all about everyone."
Dina and Randy, I'm looking forward to hanging out with you more and more -- and soon!
(And to all the tabletop competitors: W-O-W!! And Congratulations!)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
I vow to bring you happiness, and I will treasure you as my companion.
The love story of Wendy and Jason began three yeas ago, when they met through a friend. That initial spark of attraction grew quickly, and after their first date they were practically inseparable.
And on a warm and sunny Sunday, at the beautiful Croatian American Cultural Center, they were joined in marriage!
Wendy and Jason included Jason’s 2-year old son, Logan, in the wedding by asking him to carry the ring pillow. Logan was accompanied by his older friend, Jordan, as well as the sweet (and shy) flower girl, Theagan. As is often the case, these three stole the show as they carefully walked down the aisle, stopping at the bottom of the steps with a “what now?” expression before running up and standing next to our handsome (and slightly nervous) groom!
Of course, all eyes were quickly turned toward the beautiful bride, Wendy, who entered with her father. Wendy’s parents and stepfather, along with Jason’s mother, all said “We do” when asked “Who presents this woman to be married to this man?” And with that loving send-off, Jason and Wendy stood before their dearest family and friends to say their vows, exchange rings, and begin their married life as husband and wife.
“I vow to bring you happiness, and I will treasure you as my companion.”
Congratulations, Wendy and Jason! (Married April 18, 2010.)
Photographer: Gino Creglia Photography
DJ and MC: Mitch Perez of Showtime DJ Entertainment
Videographer: Eric and Steve of Acti-Video Productions
Friday, March 19, 2010
Got Invitations?
Linda Walker, from Creme de la Creme Paperie and Jenn Hugunin from No Ordinary Day have combined their companies to offer The Most FABULOUS Invitations!
Now brides can choose from beautiful custom-designed as well as catalog invitations. There is an invitation to fit every style and budget, and all can be viewed at the Creme de la Creme Paperie studio in Citrus Heights.
Linda and Jenn are creative professionals specializing in invitations, favors and wedding accessories. As Linda says, "We at Creme de la Creme Paperie can fill every need our brides require, from Save The Date cards to Thank You notes, and everything in between. Our team consists of graphic designers, favor specialists, calligraphers and consultants."
Linda also has a line of hand-painted gift bags, cards and table, wall and chair letters.
The hand-painted letters give a unique look to home decor or can be used as an accent on the couple's cake or gift table.
Every bride wants to make her wedding her own, and Linda and Jenn actively search for unique items to give her day that special touch!
"We pride ourselves in excellent service and exceptional results. We love what we do, and our brides know that we are available for them throughout their planning stages."
By Appointment Only (916-996-4020), visit Linda or Jenn at the Creme de la Creme Paperie studio, located at 7625 Sunrise Blvd., Suite 211, Citrus Heights, CA.
(Photo of Linda from the recent Enchanted Bridal Shoppe open house and fashion show.)
Rev. Jeri
Sunday, March 7, 2010
The Calligraphy Girl!

Who would have thought that good penmanship and a love of art in grade school would lead to a business many years later?
Lara Kiniris, The Calligraphy Girl, has been doing hand calligraphy for over 20 years.
She uses beautiful hand lettering to address wedding invitations, create specialty signs, place cards, menus, poetry, and so much more. All work is done by hand, and she doesn't charge extra for rush orders.
A stay-at-home mom, Lara does her work at night, allowing her to spend quality time with her two children, Peter (age 4) and Katie (age 2). (She says she never tires of the silly things that her 4-year-old says!)
As part of the wedding industry, Lara is grateful to work closely with many wonderful people. Among her favorites is Linda Walker, owner and designer for Creme de la Creme Paperie.
For samples of Lara's work, as well as pricing and other details, Lara can be reached by phone at (916) 769-9585 or by email at lara@calligraphygirl.com.
Or visit her website: www.calligraphygirl.com
Rev. Jeri
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Be a light unto the world
You can be the inspiration.
Indeed, you must be.
I must?
Who else is there?
How can I begin?
Be a light unto the world, and hurt it not. Seek to build, not to destroy.
Bring My people home.
By your shining example. See only Godliness. Speak only in truthfulness. Act only in love.
Live the Law of Love now and forevermore. Give everything, require nothing.
Avoid the mundane.
Do not accept the unacceptable.
Teach all who seek to learn of Me.
Make every moment of your life an outpouring of love.
Use every moment to think the highest thought, say the highest word, do the highest deed. In this, glorify your Holy Self, and thus, too, glorify Me.
Bring peace to the Earth by bringing peace to all those whose lives you touch.
Be peace.
Feel and express in every moment your Divine Connection with the All, and with every person, place and thing.
Embrace every circumstance, own every fault, share every joy, contemplate every mystery, walk in every man's shoes, forgive every offense (including your own), heal every heart, honor every person's truth, adore every person's God, protect every person's rights, preserve every person's dignity, promote every person's interests, provide every person's needs, presume every person's holiness, present every person's greatest gifts, produce every person's blessing, and pronounce every person's future secure in the assured love of God.
Be a living, breathing example of the Highest Truth that resides within you.
Speak humbly of yourself, lest someone mistake your Highest Truth for a boast.
Speak softly, lest someone think you are merely calling for attention.
Speak gently, that all might know of Love.
Speak openly, lest anyone think you have something to hide.
Speak candidly, so you cannot be mistaken.
Speak often, so that your word may truly go forth.
Speak respectfully, that no one be dishonored.
Speak lovingly, that every syllable may heal.
Speak of Me with every utterance.
Make of your life a gift. Remember always, you are the gift!
Be a gift to everyone who enters your life, and to everyone whose life you enter. Be careful not to enter another's life if you cannot be a gift.
(You can always be a gift, because you always are the gift -- yet sometimes you don't let yourself know that.)
When someone enters your life unexpectedly, look for the gift that person has come to receive from you.
What an extraordinary way of putting it.
Why else do you think a person has come to you?
I tell you this: every person who has ever come to you has come to receive a gift from you. In so doing, he gives a gift to you - the gift of your experiencing and fulfilling Who You Are.
When you see this simple truth, when you understand it, you see the greatest truth of all:
(From "Conversations with God" Book 2, by Neale Donald Walsch; pgs. 175-176)
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Enchantment and Dreams!
This past weekend (Feb. 27th & 28th), I had the opportunity to hang out with some wedding colleagues, as well as meeting some couples who are planning their 2010 and 2011 weddings.
On Saturday I enjoyed the Grand Opening and Fashion Show presented by Enchanted Bridal Shoppe in Fair Oaks. Situated in the Quail Pointe Shopping Center (corner of Madison & Sunrise), Enchanted Bridal is owned by the Baker family. Jeff and Sandy Baker run the business, their daughter Jennifer (formerly of Lake Natoma Inn) is the Director of Sales, and other family members add their expertise to the business.
My booth was situated next to that of Adagio Weddings & Events, and I "caught up" on local wedding news from Adagio's owner, Katy Baker. I also took at peek at some of the beautiful invitations created by Linda Walker, owner of Creme de la Creme Paperie (Citrus Heights).
Sweet Cakes by Rebecca gave out samples of their delicious (and beautiful) cakes, Joan of Beautiful by Nature Florist had a gorgeous display of flowers, and Carmita Restaurant offered dolmas and other Mediterranean taste treats. (Vegan food; yay! And they're located in the Quail Pointe Shopping Center. I'll be back!)
Phill of Sheffield Multimedia captured the fun and fashion (and shared a funny story!) The fun photo booth was courtesy of Chris Terry of Encore Photo Booths. Debbie Brown Photography was the official photographer; Debbie is also mother to three of the beautiful "brides" in the fashion show. Gorgeous young ladies, and they looked stunning in the wedding gowns. Watch out, Debbie!
And kudos to Carlene Herrera, also formerly of Lake Natoma Inn, for her wonderful coordination of this event!
Those are just a few of the wedding professionals who participated in Enchanted Bridal Shoppe's grand opening celebration. Thanks again, Jennifer, for inviting me to your party!
And then, on Sunday, I was part of the Dream team, as I participated in The Dream Wedding Show!
Sunday was a beautiful, sunny day, and the Exposition Center at Cal Expo was filled with brides and grooms, parents, and bff's all eager to see what the local wedding professionals had to offer.
There were too many exhibitors to name in this blog. All I can say is most of THE BEST in Sacramento were there.
My booth was perfectly situated. On one side was Jensen Wedding Videos -- always a classy booth, and Mike seems to attract the very best clients!
And on the other side was Chocolate Fountains of Sacramento. I loved watching people's eyes light up when they came around the corner and saw the chocolate fountain. Jim would ask, "Would you like a sample?" and almost without exception the response was "Oh, why not?!"
And when they bit into the chocolate-covered cream puff, their dreamy-eyed look told me it was dee-licious!
My lovely assistant, Carrieanna, handed out flyers listing helpful questions to ask when choosing an officiant. (And periodically she volunteered her services in "quality control and tasting" for the chocolate fountain!)
A busy, productive, FUN weekend for this Reverend!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Where there is love, there is life
Last Saturday, at the Old Sugar Mill in Clarksburg, Meena and Bret combined their cultures, their families, and their lives in a beautiful ceremony of marriage.
Meena, a fiscal analyst for the State of California, met her beloved, Bret, when his company was hired to do some work for her department. She told me that when they first spoke on the phone, she knew he was someone special. He says that when they met in person, her beautiful smile immediately caught his attention. And thus, their love story began, growing into the love that brought them to Clarksburg on February 20th to be joined in marriage.
Meena included her Hindu heritage in many ways. She and her mother met many times with Gloria and Kerry of Howe It's Done Catering, cooking and sampling to ensure that the food for the reception would include authentic Indian dishes.
The bride and her attendants wore traditional Indian wedding attire; their red and ivory saris brought color and passion to the celebration, enhanced by the beautiful bouquets and floral arrangements created by Meena's sister, Savita.
Bret and Meena's children and grandchildren were important participants in the ceremony. Bret's son, Eric, was also his best man, while one-year-old grandson, Conner, nearly stole the show as he ran up the aisle with enthusiasm to give Bret the ring pillow!
Bret's daughters, Sarah and Emily, each presented readings. And Meena's son, Keaton, escorted his mother down the aisle, and later performed a violin solo (Ode to Joy) in tribute to his mother and new father.
Along with the traditional vows and exchange of rings, Bret and Meena performed the Rite of Sacred Fire and Seven Steps, wherein they affirmed their love and declared their union in this traditional Hindu ritual.
The ceremony and reception were flawlessly coordinated by Katy Baker of Adagio Weddings and Events, with Jasmine Renee Photography capturing all the unique beauty of this beautiful couple's celebration.
Congratulations, Meena and Bret! May you be blessed with many, many years of living and loving together!
Rev. Jeri
Friday, January 29, 2010
Perfect Sounds to the rescue
Joseph and Feliza had been planning their dream wedding for quite some time, and today was The Big Day!
I arrived at Lake Natoma Inn 30 minutes before the 5:00 p.m. ceremony -- and found the groom's mother in tears. The DJ they had hired had not shown up yet. (He/They should have already been there and set up.)
Erin, the Event Coordinator at Lake Natoma Inn, called the DJ company in question, and was told that they were on their way . . . from Stockton. There was absolutely no way they would arrive in time to have the music ready for the ceremony.
So Erin called Raymond at Perfect Sounds in Folsom, explained the situation, and he came to the rescue. Within minutes -- literally -- he was setting up his sound system, putting microphones on the groom and the officiant (me), and playing soothing background music while guests were seated.
With minimal instruction, he not only played the perfect music for the processional, but also surprised us with some lovely background music as Joseph and Feliza presented their mothers with a surprise gift of roses.
The "tardy" DJs showed up at 6:00 p.m., and were setting up their equipment when I left. (I'll post their company name in a future blog, called "Buyer beware." Sometimes "cheap" is just that.)
Raymond, you were our savior this evening. And you do deliver the Perfect Sounds!
In gratitude,
Rev. Jeri Murphy
PS: Congratulations, Joseph and Feliza!!!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Promises and Vows

The wedding ceremonies I write usually include "promises" and "vows." Periodically I've been asked to explain the difference; I've given a sufficient response.
However, I found the following explanation in Caroline Myss' book, "Entering the Castle" and I really like it.
She's talking to her 13-year old niece, Rachel, who asked about the difference between promises and vows.
Caroline says, " ... promises are agreements that [you] as a person make between [yourself] and [your] friends and family. They are agreements of honor. When you break a promise, the part of you that lets you known you've broken your word is called your conscience.
"Unlike a promise ... a vow is an agreement that your soul makes with God. You make a vow when you are ready to make a commitment to live your life a certain way. Even in cases where you make a vow to another person, you are also making an agreement with God, so a vow is sacred and therefore has cosmic consequences that promises do not. Vows are so powerful ... that most people can live up to the demands of only one or two vows at the most over the course of their entire lives. When and if the time came for [Rachel] to make a vow, she would have to make certain that her soul was in complete agreement with all that the vows would require of her."
(Photo by Bakari, Lifetime Photography)
Rev. Jeri
Caroline Myss,
wedding vows
Friday, January 15, 2010
Field trip to Loomis
Today I went on a field trip!
Joined by two favorite wedding girlfriends, Diana Miller of Diana Miller Photography and Anna Hernandez of Whitebird Ceremonial Dove Releases, I visited The Flower Farm Inn, a delightful B&B in Loomis.
We had lunch at the little cafe, then strolled the grounds enjoying the whimsical garden sculptures, the plants -- those currently in bloom and others still hibernating -- and the Gypsy Chicks!
We're planning a return trip in March, when more of the flowers are bloomin'.
Care to meet us there?
Rev. Jeri
Friday, January 1, 2010
New Year's Resolution - 2010
Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting."
-- Mother Teresa
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