(Warning: There are many exclamation points in this post, because I'm excited about this topic!)
One of my favorite annual events occurred at my house yesterday: Treasure Mapping!
Ummm, what is a Treasure Map, you ask? Where do you find one, or how do you make one? And why? Why spend an entire day (or, at least, many hours) cutting up magazines, and gluing words and pictures on a poster board?
I'll tell you why! Because Treasure Mapping is an imaginative, powerful and FUN way to create! (And I have my own success stories to prove it!)
Each year I invite some of my very best girlfriends to come to my house. I entice them with the promise of homemade minestrone soup, and I invite them to bring food to share. (And, naturally, we nibble throughout the day. Cookies and edamame and lemon cake; oh, my!)
Armed with poster board, glue sticks, scissors, magazines, a photo of ourselves, and big dreams, we create Treasure Maps. (You may know them as "Vision Boards," especially if you're familiar with the book "The Secret.")
We start with introductions. Most of the ladies already know each other; this year we have one new -- and very special -- addition to our group. My sweetheart's daughter, Carrieanna, joined us for the first time. And by her enthusiastic response, and the great welcome she got from the group, I'm guessing she'll be back! (Plus, she created an amazing Treasure Map. I'll be eager to hear HER success stories!)
After a simple meditation, we go around the circle and state our goals: One wants more balance in life; another is affirming good health and a sleeker body. One is ready to find true and passionate love -- hey, maybe she'll want me to perform her wedding ceremony. You bet I will!!
I spend a few minutes talking about how to create a Treasure Map, and then we start. Cutting and pasting and laughing and eating and creating and believing that we can be/do/have whatever we can envision!
(No, it isn't "make-believe" or "magic." It's the power of intention and the law of attraction and positive thinking. But that's another blog topic for the future. However, if you're interested in learning more now, I highly recommend Maria Nemeth's book, "The Energy of Money." A truly life-changing book.)
My own affirmation: I am thriving, spiritually and economically, in my successful, dynamic ministry! (Can you find those words in my poster?!) I included personal photos, pictures from magazines, and "feeling words" to describe how I will feel as I realize my goals.
We end the day with another fun exercise. I hand out big (12-inch) balloons and ask everyone to inflate them. "And as you blow up that balloon, imagine that you are releasing any fears or thoughts that might limit your ability to have what you've created."
And then we BLOW UP that "I can't" energy by popping our balloons! (One friend -- Anna -- barely inflated her balloon. She said she didn't have much "I can't" energy to release. YAY!)
Like kindergarten students, we all eagerly show off our posters, and promise to encourage each other (vocally and with positive thoughts) as we manifest our dreams.
This morning Anna (The Dove Lady from
Whitebird Ceremonial Dove Releases) sent me an email, and with her permission I quote:
"Thank YOU!! for setting aside such a huge chunk of your day to guide us on this path. I think I've told you before that I think about goals ONCE A YEAR! At your house! . . . Guess I've just been lucky. But, yes, GRATITUDE is my new mantra, and it really didn't hit me until you gave us the balloons. Am I in denial? I really tried to think of some 'cant's' in my life, but I just think 'wants' obliterate 'cant's'."
Gratitude. Ah, yes.
That's my benediction ... on this year's Treasure Map, and for today's post. Gratitude.
"Thank you, God!"
I Am Thriving . . . .
Rev. Jeri