I recently performed a ceremony for two delightful gentlemen, Leon and Carlos. The weather was COLD, but their guests were so excited and happy for this couple that we soon forgot the temperature!
We did have one small challenge, though -- Leon is a wedding photographer, and it was sometimes difficult for him to "give up the reins" of business and enjoy being a groom! He did, however, and he's promised me some photos of the wedding -- which I will post on my blog and include in my book.
As a special thank you, Leon offered to take formal portrait of me. I love it, and just couldn't wait to post it, so here it is!
(How did he inspire my best smiles? Rather than asking me to say "Cheese," he said, "Say 'I do!'" Hmmmm ... guess I'm in the right business!)
And if you want to see more of his work, follow this link: Fredette Photography.
Thank you, Leon! And ... congratulations, Leon and Carlos!
Big smiles!
Rev. Jeri
1 comment:
Wonderful picture, I love it!
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