Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Saddened ...

I am so sorry to see that the California voters have adopted Prop. 8, and chosen to ban same-sex marriages. I believe the heavy fear tactics used by the "Yes on 8" backers caused this unfortunate decision.

Many years ago I was introduced to A Course in Miracles, and learned one of THE most important lessons of my life. To paraphrase, love and fear cannot coexist; we either approach (and respond to) situations from a foundation of love, or from a foundation of fear.

I believe fear is the motivator that approved Prop. 8.

I will continue to greet life from a love-based perspective. I believe that's what my higher power expects of me.

I will continue to treat people the way I want to be treated. (The Golden Rule has always been my credo.)

And yes, that means I will continue to perform ceremonies for same-sex couples.

Love is love. And it does not discriminate. Nor will I.

Sincerest blessings,
Rev. Jeri


Donna said...

Very well said, Jeri.

Wedding Tips said...

Couldn't agree with you more - thanks for posting this, Jeri.