I am so excited to announce that I'm a published author! I've written a wedding book, "Celebration Ceremonies, The Perfect Words for Your Wedding Day!" and it just arrived yesterday.
Now, before you head over to Border's to purchase multiple copies (!!), I must confess that it's really more of a marketing tool than something you'd want to curl up with and read before a toasty fire. Unless, of course, you love looking at wedding photos -- most of which include me! -- and pondering ceremony ideas.
In the past when I've met with couples -- that no-cost, no-obligation, no-pressure first meeting -- I would bring my black binder which includes parts of the ceremony, samples of what I might wear, and a few pages of "kudos" from happy couples.
However, after putting together a life-story book in honor of my boyfriend's birthday last year, I decided to create a book about weddings. I used an online bookmaking program,
Blurb.com, and I HIGHLY recommend it. It was so much fun, easy to use, and the finished product looks great! (In my humble opinion, of course.
So, thank you for letting me brag on myself! (And if you're a Sacramento couple, looking for a wedding officiant, give me a call. If we meet, I'll let you look at my book!)
Rev. Jeri